Welcome to Class 3

Our Class Teacher is Miss H. Wilson and our Teaching Assistants are Mrs G. Jackson, Miss C. Mead and Mrs C. Hall.

Please take a look at our termly newsletter to see what we are learning about in Class 3:

Class 3 Documents

Updated: 23/03/2023 144 KB

First Holy Communion and RE

St Chad’s Primary School works in partnership with the Parish of St Mary and St Wilfrid, and parents to prepare the children for Sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession) and Communion for the first time.

This takes place when children are in Year 4 or older once a month at St Mary’s Church.

All children share in the school aspects of the preparation as part of their RE lessons in Class 3.


Homework is given out on a Friday and needs to be returned the following Friday.

Our Maths homework and English homework links to what we have been learning about in class that week.

The children have been asked to read at least 4 times a week and an adult needs to sign to say they’ve done it.

Times tables are an ongoing homework. The expectation is that by Year 4 the children know their tables by heart but this needs to be constantly reinforced otherwise they are easily forgotten.

Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS) is a good programme to use!